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So --> http://edibleinfrastructures.netMeet you over there ok?
TEDxDUMBO: Cities 2.0
Edible Infrastructures is honored to be invited to attend TEDxDUMBO:Cities2.0 http://tedxdumbo.com/ today to see/hear some inspirational new ideas on the future of cities. Look for a full report here later...

Climate change in UK raises concern about the future of agriculture and food production. Experts at the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) are looking for adaptation scenarios for farmers and growers to respond to change - article in the farminguk.com:
Adapting to a changing climate
Most scientists agree the UK enviroment of the future will be different from today - temperature and rainfall (both occurrence and intesity), as well as levels of carbon dioxide and ozone in the atmosphere, will change over the coming years and decades.
Read the rest: http://www.farminguk.com/News/...
Edible Infrastructures | Synopsis
If you are interested in reading more about our work but already have a stack of 'must-read' books on your desk, we've put together this research synopsis to give you an overview of our project and to whet your appetite for the real thing. Enjoy!
Edible Infrastructures
In Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, the importance of smallholder farmers in terms of food security and sustainable agriculture was highlighted - article in the Guardian:
Read the rest : http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/...
Rio+20 a chance to engage smallholder farms in sustainable agriculture
The draft outcome document of the Rio+20 summit mentions smallholder farmers - many of them women - in growing acknowledgment of their importance in terms of food security, with the continued threat of famine in the Sahel, and enviromental sustainability, as farming accounts for at least 14% of global greenhouse emissions.
Eat Out at the Allotment
This is what happened yesterday under our window!
An exceptional dining experience was organised in an inner city allotment.
The event was part of the Vacant Lot programme of the architectural office What If, located in London. The project maps vacant and neglected spaces that surround inner city housing estates. Strategies have been developed how these unloved spaces could be appropriated to accomodate the needs of the local population.
Have a look at their website:
An exceptional dining experience was organised in an inner city allotment.
The event was part of the Vacant Lot programme of the architectural office What If, located in London. The project maps vacant and neglected spaces that surround inner city housing estates. Strategies have been developed how these unloved spaces could be appropriated to accomodate the needs of the local population.
Have a look at their website:
Urban Farming
Alex Steffen: The shareable future of cities
“Alex Steffen, a designing optimist, lays out the blueprint for a successful century.” -The New York TimesWe've seen his enthusiastic lecture at LSE in London last year and since then closely followed his blog: alexsteffen.com. Have a look yourself! Below is his TED talk of last year:
“Alex Steffen explores our planet’s future, telling powerful, inspiring stories about the hard choices facing humanity … and our opportunity to create a much better tomorrow.”-TED.com
Alex Steffen is one of the world’s leading voices on sustainability, social innovation and planetary futurism. He is an award-winning writer and planetary futurist, who speaks to audiences around the world. (all quoted from alexsteffen.com)
Future Cities,
Favela Farming
Cidades sem Fome (Cities Without Hunger) is an organization working to bring communal gardens, and just as importantly, agricultural skills, to inhabitants of Sao Paolo's Favelas.
Read more about their important work here ->
Read more about their important work here ->
Agriculture Tech
Phase II research is now online
Phase II research, including our second test case, is slowly making its way onto the site. Check the tabs above for the most recent work which focuses on spatial development of our prototypical Productive City, including:
- programming of the urban circulatory network
- a new emergent productive urban block organization
- combinatorial strategies for new architectural typologies
In the addition, the new test case in Kunsangen, SE, is our proposal for a productive satellite/commuter city for 150,000 people, on a nine sq km peninsula in the Greater Stockholm Metro Region. Check it out at here -> Kungsangen/ Stockholm Test Case
- programming of the urban circulatory network
- a new emergent productive urban block organization
- combinatorial strategies for new architectural typologies
In the addition, the new test case in Kunsangen, SE, is our proposal for a productive satellite/commuter city for 150,000 people, on a nine sq km peninsula in the Greater Stockholm Metro Region. Check it out at here -> Kungsangen/ Stockholm Test Case
Edible Infrastructures,
Edible Infrastructures Book [online edition]
We've posted a digital edition of the book - have a look above (or on Issuu.) We are working on making a print edition available (and affordable) for those of you that have asked!
Feel free to email us at info [at] edibleinfrastructures [dot] net - we welcome your feedback. Thanks.
Edible Infrastructures
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